Even good news still frustrates me when it comes to covid narrative being blown up in their faces. I can’t forget the pcr test means literally every covid number is a lie. Even the covid numbers that work in our favor. Are we not helping manifest the lie into reality? Please share your thoughts.
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I agree, all of it. I pray my friends and most of my family start seeing it. It’s so easy to combat this with a simple logic based mindset
Simple logic based mindset...yet not very simple for the sheep. As sad as that may be, the common sense is no longer common nor is the simple as simplistic as it should be
I email my gov Ohio Dewine three times a weak calling him out on this shit pcr 90percent false positives and they have no delta lammda epsilon tests at all Just medical fear porn for the normies
Sheeple would rather have a "vaccine" and "tests" and "ventilators" instead of simply taking vitamins and supplements and living life with the liberty GOD intended!
YOU should be stickies!
Hey, what's wrong with a quick Easy button...everyone just wants a quick easy fix. No research, no reading or self-education, just get the answer from the nearest "expert" and run around preaching like its gospel. We've gotten fat, dumb and lazy. This is truly the Great Awakening. We are all learning to think for ourselves. The bane of all politicians everywhere!