AZ, GA, PA, WI, MI, NV are the states that reported massive irregularities in the vote totals and the laws governing elections that were changed to steal the election.
Would the states in question have decertified and performed audits as they are in the process of doing now?
Would the states 'comply' as a requirement under the Constitution?
Would we have been 6-7-8 months ahead of this audit process?
Would new electors for each state have been appointed to certify the true votes?
Would Trump have been reinstated by now as the duly elected president?
According to the Military/Trump Devolution Plan, did Pence realize what Trump had orchestrated and had organized at the time he certified the fraudulent votes, simply to be where we are now and having to go through all the resistance from the corrupt Deep State players? (We know these military plans are all compartmentalized).
Did Pence know the whole plan to trap all the bad actors and that's why he did not send the electoral votes back to the states in question to be decertified?
Can anyone expand on what/why Pence acted as he did on Jan 6th?
When dead toured they played many outdoor shows in the rain check out last buckeye lake show w traffic sunny hot all day then traffic played rainmaker closer got real cold rain I thought it was gonna snow in June Dead comes out with rain set in slickers Beatles Rain cold rain and snow awesome
Dude...holy crap. Same happened to me in Eugene in late 80’s!!! Jerry did a tear-jerking Morning Dew then Bob did a wicked long Rain Song. It was a sunny cloudless Summer day then DURING RAIN SONG a small cloud floated over stadium, sprinkled on whole place then floated away. Freakin crowd went wild 😎💥 That was the magic that happened on occasion.
Lots of magic at shows we would go knowing friends were there purposely didn't search for them they would just cross our paths w 65000 people thete
Dude...been there too! You see people you briefly hung with at previous shows and re-kickstart a mini party 🎉👍🏽💥
We had this couple that would be at every shoe dead govt mule Trey band so I got mail orders for cinn show 4th row center right in front of Trey got there early hanging there they come right next to us lol
When you look up Trump vid can you put it on awakenings? I don't know how to do that
Also works if you say their name out loud have to be careful cause some you don't want to see lol