God made a man and a woman to function as a team. Either gender on its own has massive flaws but together they are more than formidable. If each household had one vote I most certainly would discuss with my wife who was the best choice for our family and the decision would be OURS not mine. And that is because our relationship is built on trust and love and respect.
Very true,. God made Eve from Adam's rib, not to walk behind him, but by his side. Like you said, each gender has it own flaws and strengths and working as a team makes the flaws fade and the strengths stronger than anything. It is okay for me to cook from scratch and pack in concrete for a pond all in the same day. Work is work.
Women can have a say on what happens in the home, but only men should make decisions for what goes on outside. That’s the natural God-given way of things.
That is a wonderful attitude to have in marriage! It’s teamwork! Neither a competition nor a master/slave relationship. You are equal, interdependent partners. I find it sad that in response to the insane liberalism is a conservative backlash that reminds me more of Middle Eastern gender relationships than the God-given partnership we were meant to have. We need positive examples like yours if we’re going to see healing in American families.
God made a man and a woman to function as a team. Either gender on its own has massive flaws but together they are more than formidable. If each household had one vote I most certainly would discuss with my wife who was the best choice for our family and the decision would be OURS not mine. And that is because our relationship is built on trust and love and respect.
Very true,. God made Eve from Adam's rib, not to walk behind him, but by his side. Like you said, each gender has it own flaws and strengths and working as a team makes the flaws fade and the strengths stronger than anything. It is okay for me to cook from scratch and pack in concrete for a pond all in the same day. Work is work.
Women can have a say on what happens in the home, but only men should make decisions for what goes on outside. That’s the natural God-given way of things.
That is a wonderful attitude to have in marriage! It’s teamwork! Neither a competition nor a master/slave relationship. You are equal, interdependent partners. I find it sad that in response to the insane liberalism is a conservative backlash that reminds me more of Middle Eastern gender relationships than the God-given partnership we were meant to have. We need positive examples like yours if we’re going to see healing in American families.