...but we didn't. The explanation is simple. No matter how stupid you think your leftist friends are, the movement as a whole is diabolically brilliant. We aren't allowed to protest. If we do, there's a roving band of "antifa" hanging around to destroy shit, and that will be blamed on us. Our hands are fucking tied. We are told to stay away from "organized" events because they are traps. We can't go on like this. We must learn to say the following words:
Fuck the optics
At some point we have to though. I hope it's soon
It is also because they haven't done anything yet, only threatened to.
And also because we know our President is up to something. We can't believe he is going to let them do their Great Reset. We are the Patriotic Populists, and he is the leader of the Patriotic Populists.
He's not urging us to hit the streets.
Good point, but I think there are many traditional Dem's who are ready to join us, and they will when we do "hit the streets" in peaceful protest. They've made it very clear though that they will fuck us over to no end if we attempt any kind of a peaceful protest. That's my point. We should be able to do this today, without any prodding from anyone, if we chose to.
The optics are more important than they seem. Be prepared for the S to HTF at any moment. But, as long as Trump is alive, and unless he says otherwise (which he almost certainly won't), and even then - stay cold. Don't even put yourself into a position where you may need to exercise "hot" self defense.
Yes. Excellent point! Not ever wanting to have a "hot" defense at all. It's just me voicing a little frustration at not having a voice in our future right now.
Why would politicians care if people are doing mass protests? Because they might worry their popularity will suffer and that they won't get reelected.
But you see, they have no such worries. They have demonstrated that elections are no longer determined by the voters. They are determined by whoever controls the machines and the vote counting people.
So they don't care very much about public opinion. I'm not sure what good protests would do other than provide opportunities for fake patriots to hurt people and have it rebroadcast on fake news.
Good point. They will prolly care more, once they are exposed though. They will go through all the stages of grief, which will be interesting to watch: Denial < we are here Anger Bargaining* LOL* Depression Acceptance
See my BLM/ANTIFA post in New. Want to do some community economic damage to them? My post gives you the ANTIFA/BLM locations to boycott and get the word out.