Just reading this morning.
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I hate to say it, but this is probably one of the most mis-quoted verses out there (right alongside Matthew 7:1).
"...in the way he [the child] should go..." is referring to the child's Will. IOW, train a child up in whatever he wants to do (spoiled), then when he is old he wont depart from it (i.e. being spoiled). The emphasis is on the HE. The way the CHILD wants to go.
This goes a long with the other verses that mention the concept of "sparing the rod, spoiling the child." Proverbs 13:24
When this verse is understood in it's proper context, then you also avoid the numerous examples of a child being raised in the Church and then departing from it when they are old.
You are reading that its the child’s will into. If anything its saying train him in the way he SHOULD go. Not the way he wants to go...if it were that it would say that. Also the key here is that it says “when he is old he will not depart from it” meaning that there may be a lot of drifting away from it until he is old and understands all those things that he learned much better because he himself is now old and has kids and experiences etc.
Lots of eisegesis going on in your explanation of this verse. Check the original language and let me know where the emphasis is.
Remember, all one needs is ONE example to the contrary to prove this verse false - if your interpretation is accurate (and there are many counterexamples to this understanding). Whereas this alternate understanding (which lines up with the original language quite well) fits with other verses AND avoids those numerous examples of people being raised in the church and truth and then turning away.
The verse isnt an absolute either way. Theres just as many examples of someone getting their way their whole childhood who were able to grow up and realize the error of their ways and accepted Christ. This is an proverb. Its not a guarantee. So this aspect of your argument is completely null.