I am a Master Mason and i have also received all of the degrees of York Rite.
Only Scottish Rite really has a numbering system with the degrees but no one is a 4th degree and someone else a 15th degree and someone else a 20th degree and so on. This is because when you through Scottish Rite (or even York Rite for that matter) you receive all the degrees at once or over the course of a couple days at a Scottish Rite field day when all the candidates watch the degrees as observers who place themselves in the same place as the candidate. So everyone goes to those and comes out a 32nd degree mason. 33rd degree is an honorary degree that you only receive upon recommendation of others usually for your own individual contributions of volunteer work and charity work.
Only the Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason degrees are performed separately for every single person individually.
I do not. Trust me i dont cover any evil. I only cover for Christ alone, brother.
As a freemason myself I am always willing to listen to these statements for a couple reasons:
I want to see if there is something i am overlooking or missing from my experience which has seen absolutely 0 evidence of satantic worship, satanic ritual or other evilness within the lodge or pervasive amongst members
I want to see if they even know what theyre talking about.
Right off the rip this lady ruins her credibility. To be a shriner you DO NOT have to be a 32nd degree or 33rd degree mason. In fact those two things are entirely unrelated as everyone starts in a local lodge known as “blue lodge”. There you receive the Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and ultimately the Master Mason degree. After that you are able to join appendant bodies such as Scottish Rite (where you can receive degrees 4-32), York Rite (which has a number of degrees that have names but not numbers), Shriners, or The Grotto. You can join any of them, all of them, or none of them. And none of the degrees of appendant bodies make you any “higher up”. They are considered supplemental degrees or “horizontal degrees”.
I am not discounting this lady’s personal experience but it may just be that her dad was a shitty person and had another shitty friend who were also masons. Its not like masons are different that all other demographics. There are good guys and not good guys and the point of masonry is to make good men better but some men are not good people regardless of what fraternities they join.
Anyway, I’m sure yall will flame me and try to say “you dont know anything because of this reason or that” but im a freedom loving Christian American just like a lot of people here just trying to shine some light instead of innuendo lies and misconceptions about all this.
Its open to anyone who wants to join who believes in God and the resurrection of the soul. But you have to seek it yourself. Freemasons don’t recruit on purpose because its an individual decision. The best way to put it is we dont have secrets to keep them from people we have secrets so that they will be sought out.
Bill Clinton is not a Freemason.
A freemason
I too have been through the Royal Arch degree and all the other degrees in York Rite. Can confirm that this is BS and have NEVER seen or heard or even a reference any worshiping of Lucifer. In fact York Rite is specifically Christian its allegory.
I think the thing thats strange is that people on here are convinced by hoaxes and books and random videos but when people come with first hand experience to the contrary they just write us off as “not high enough up” or “liars”.
Go visit a lodge and ask questions. See for yourself and stop the slander.
From an establishment of government perspective is what im talking about. What youre saying is what im saying: in a free society it is up to the people to use their liberty to make things safe not to have safety forced upon them.
The answer is yes. The more liberty there is the more danger there is that people may use that liberty to cause harm. But to make a society as safe as possible requires it to be a police state and therefore the least free. The founders understood this.
Ive seen some new Harris/Walz ones…thought itd be funny to cross out the “is add a “y” and cross out the W and add a “B” so it reads Harry/Balz
It’s REAL simple. Kamala wants live mics because without them she cant have her pre-rehearsed “I’m speaking” moment
Dean Phillips, Fetterman, Zuckerberg, Manchin are all legit on the table
Yall need to do some more research. We now have new video from a guy who was right in front of the building where Crooks was shooting from and all 8 shots clearly sound like the same gun from the same location.
What picture are you looking at that shows that detail?
Yeah take the ballistic gel head reactions with a grain of salt. Its not a perfect mimic of flesh and theres no muscles attaching things together in those things nor are the “bones” as dense or as strong like our bones. Itll def do some damage but it wont necessarily explode their head and have the brain flying out
“The downside that no one seems to acknowledge is that every Bitcoin transaction can be traced.”
No one seems to acknowledge?! It’s acknowledged by Bitcoin itself in its white paper. It transparent nature is a feature not a bug.
Being decentralized doesn't mean its annonymous or untraceable. Its a public ledger. Its meant to be that way so that all transactions are transparent.
“Now thats it’s been a few years. We’ve found out. That it isn’t anywhere near as impossible to track or anonymous as first theorized and advertised.”
Uh no. Bitcoin was never thought to be impossible to track. Its a public ledger and it never pretended not to be or advertised itself that way. Anyone who has read the Bitcoin white paper knows that and anyone whoever said that it was knew nothing about Bitcoin.
I dont trust em either but saying corey was the second shooter doesnt line up
No im saying there is 0 chance that the man who died was a second shooter. People were all around him when he was struck in the head.
This makes 0 sense both from a witness standpoint and ballistically
Trump should come out to this at the RNC. 50 should perform it live as he comes out. Meme it into existence people
Bitcoin SIDE CHAIN is the key word here. Bitcoin is fine.
Just for the record they divorced in 2007
Like i said the 33rd degree is honorary and its only in Scottish Rite which is just one of numerous appendant bodies. No one is required to join it and it doesnt make you higher up. And because its honorary there is no actual degree for it. And theres no reveal of satanism and the truth is just that its not some sinister org as you wish it were