So is your stubborn insistence on using snipers to shoot American civilians based solely on clothing choice, a suggestion that somehow reached -10 before being deleted.
I didn’t delete it. The mods must delete posts they don’t like. I live in Portland & am personally knowledgeable of the illegal violent acts going on in Portland. FYI - I looked at some of your other posts. You openly advocated to doing ill to medical professionals in one post. I thought that hypocritical since I know of people who aren’t powerful enough to oppose the pharma cabal mano-on-mano, but let me clue you in…there are medical personnel sabotaging the genocidal vaxxx and injecting patients with non-harmful fluid. You really shouldn’t lump the entire medical community in with those that are actually doing harm.
You really shouldn’t lump the entire medical community in with those that are actually doing harm.
The "entire medical community." LOL wrong. To the extent they're participating in the largest-scale medical malpractice event in world history, they are culpable. To the extent they don't, they aren't. See how easy it is to simply tell the truth?
let me clue you in
LOL no, let me clue you in:
You need to go get at the end of the long line of people trying to imagine how little I care what you think, just patiently waiting for me to give a fuck.
Snipers don't shoot to maim.
And you can't just randomly shoot civilians for the color of clothing they choose to wear.
You're not rubbing your remaining brain cells together very well.
Antifa black bloc is distinguishable.
So is your stubborn insistence on using snipers to shoot American civilians based solely on clothing choice, a suggestion that somehow reached -10 before being deleted.
I didn’t delete it. The mods must delete posts they don’t like. I live in Portland & am personally knowledgeable of the illegal violent acts going on in Portland. FYI - I looked at some of your other posts. You openly advocated to doing ill to medical professionals in one post. I thought that hypocritical since I know of people who aren’t powerful enough to oppose the pharma cabal mano-on-mano, but let me clue you in…there are medical personnel sabotaging the genocidal vaxxx and injecting patients with non-harmful fluid. You really shouldn’t lump the entire medical community in with those that are actually doing harm.
The "entire medical community." LOL wrong. To the extent they're participating in the largest-scale medical malpractice event in world history, they are culpable. To the extent they don't, they aren't. See how easy it is to simply tell the truth?
LOL no, let me clue you in:
You need to go get at the end of the long line of people trying to imagine how little I care what you think, just patiently waiting for me to give a fuck.
I am ready to have blamtifa removed by any means possible.