We agreed to most of what these States see as their rightful powers. We agreed through our silence and failure to hold
[them] accountable. As such, these "elected representatives" have seen fit to run amok all over the U.S. Constitution and every individual State's Constitutions as well.
And now we're paying the price for our ignorance and failure as a society to hold [them] accountable.
May God have Mercy on OUR Souls for what's about to happen.
We agreed to most of what these States see as their rightful powers. We agreed through our silence and failure to hold [them] accountable. As such, these "elected representatives" have seen fit to run amok all over the U.S. Constitution and every individual State's Constitutions as well.
And now we're paying the price for our ignorance and failure as a society to hold [them] accountable.
May God have Mercy on OUR Souls for what's about to happen.