This is important, especially for people who do not want to hear it.
Fat people eat a lot. Not just a lot of food in one sitting, or bad quality food, but they eat and drink frequently throughout the day.
THAT is key. High frequency of putting something in your mouth requires the your body to constantly be digesting and assimilaing nutrients, and very little time repairing and cleansing.
THIS is one of the main causes of illness. It also keeps the body in a constant state of an anabolic state, which builds muscle for people for working out and eating healthy, but builds fat for people who are just eating.
Cutting meal/snack frequency improves health. USC did a study showing that a 3-day fast completely reboots the immune system.
This is important, especially for people who do not want to hear it.
Fat people eat a lot. Not just a lot of food in one sitting, or bad quality food, but they eat and drink frequently throughout the day.
THAT is key. High frequency of putting something in your mouth requires the your body to constantly be digesting and assimilaing nutrients, and very little time repairing and cleansing.
THIS is one of the main causes of illness. It also keeps the body in a constant state of an anabolic state, which builds muscle for people for working out and eating healthy, but builds fat for people who are just eating.
Cutting meal/snack frequency improves health. USC did a study showing that a 3-day fast completely reboots the immune system.