SHILL THEME OF THE DAY: OVERHYPED. Oh, really? Will their synthetic narrative take hold? Maybe we should all go home, hey? LOL, how about NO, shills! WE HAVE IT ALL. 🇺🇸
🧠These people are stupid!

It may seems like nothing to those who haven’t been paying attention too. We know Codemonkeyz announced that he had a whistleblower from dominion and it was legit. He showed just a small sample. This ties in with that. That and the fact her office was raided and by who. Who funded the Colorado SoS is big too. Not to mention the clerk also stated she found a lot of irregularities she couldn’t not un see. It’s the top of an iceberg. I’m willing to bet they also knew this was coming and was prepared.
so when is something going to happen as a result