While I was researching things regarding the financial systems, the League of Nation + UN, treaties signed in WOII, establishment of Bretton Woods, Dutch Central Bank, FED, BIS, etc, I came across this link.
In order for it not to be memory holed:
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210526172510/https://dockets.justia.com/docket/florida/flmdce/6:2012cv00567/270275
- https://files.catbox.moe/68lwt6.pdf
My questions:
- Does any of you US pedes have access to pacer, or know someone who has access in order to obtain the documents and status pertaining to this case?
Please, let me know with PM.
- I would request assistance relating to something that happened in, I suppose, London during 1941. If any of our Brits pedes could help out, it would be wonderful.
- Where would any court decisions be kept?
- Are there still rulings on file from 1941, especially june 1941?
- Or have they been destroyed by accidental bombings ..... (convenient)
- I am looking to obtain the contents of a case proceeding in which Queen Wilhelmina, being in the UK under the provision of Asylum, gets to force the UK government to recognize her club as the sole recognized representatives of the Dutch Population.
I suppose a lot of behind the scenes influence, as George was her cousin on her mother's side.
Observation with 20/20 hindsight:
Apparently, according to this video: https://www.oom2.com/t19132-bank-of-international-settlements-owner-adnan-sakli-passed-away-on-february-27th-2014
This guy is the ownership of the financial system. And, since he is dead, who owns it now? Shady business for sure.
Basically, there are two systems: Postal and other. Postal is sending money through the post.
In 1814, the Nederlandsche Bank, was established. It was meant to push credit to lift up the economy. This bank was owned by Silly Billy, William the I, prince of Orange. However, he had hard competition, as there also was an older bank, called: Oude Wisselbank (of Amsterdam) or Old Exchange Bank.
In them days, several banks had the power to make banknotes. These had to be sealed with a Stamp. (Postal Stamp). In 1819, William simply ended the bank by decree and a lot of guns, leaving his own bank as the sole creator of money.
When in may of 1940 Queen Wilhelmina and the Cabinet fled the Netherlands to London, they left the Throne vacant, but took with them all the gold and diamonds of the Nederlandsche Bank, which, due to inheritance, seemed hers. However, she could not possibly have been a descendent of William, since he had Syphilis and could not possible have fathered any child. Instead, she takes after somebody else called: De Ranitz. To date: even discussing this, or insisting on a DNA comparison, is not only not done but effectively suppressed.
In 1948 the Nederlansche Bank was nationalized in name only. Though the shares came into possession of the State, the Board of Commissioners remained the same, and is deeply tied in with Royal Dutch Shell. (Shell Co + Dutch oil)
Also during the 30-ties, the BIS was setup according to treaty of The Hague. If you care to check what is all setup there, it is quite a lot. All supra national. Though the "US", or rather the FED is supposed to be part of BIS, it seems the shares apportioned are now in the hands of private persons.
At any rate, there is a clear connection between Postal and banknotes.
With the advent of non-physical money/ currency, meaning digital money, as part of a book entry only, banks began to politferate and move away from the Postal, and into the messaging system only. This was the advent of the ITU, a separate sister organisation to the UPU. Under this guise, the SWIFT system emerged, a Belgian Cooperative society owned by banks. And instead of using telex, now the system uses internet. (Western Union and equivalents are the leftovers; see also what happened to all the Postal Banks).
UPU/ ITU are specialized UN agencies. There are not UN, but have a "treaty" to facilitate or service a certain section of economical import.
This does not mean the UPU has lost meaning. Instead, it is the defacto driver of extending the taxbase by importing the postcode address system into all countries not yet (fully) incorporated into the system.
Note also there is a UPU identification system, allowing to perform postal business. What we call travelling, is defacto transporting yourself from point A to b. That is Postal business. Especially, crossing state borders requires identification. So the P on your passport, may not relate to pauper, but to Postal as opposed to Diplomatic. (and what do you know: traveling also is a UN agency)
It also ties in identity. So, "having" an address is needed for identity and, according to statements by the UPU, access to Internet. (a newly created "human right" and your consent is not required)
As you will now start to suspect, everything is connected, as is evidenced by the above mentioned court case.
1776: Declaration of Independence; Revolutionary War 7 years. Gun running via St Marten in the Caribbean.
In the Dutch Republic of the 7 Provinces, the Prince of Orange = stanhouder and is defacto commander of the Army and Navy. Navy and army are neglected.
1780: because of this gunrunning, financed by merchants in Amsterdam through the Old Exchange Bank, England declares war on the Republic of the 7 Provinces.
The Dutch lose all overseas commerce, colonies, factories and possessions. A recessions ensues. The Oranges flee The Republic to London.
1782 -1789: The negotiations for a peace treaty ensue. In 1789 completed under the condition of debt resolution.
USA functions under the articles of Confederation.
King Louis of France is beheaded. His son is rumored to escape to England and on to Virginia under the name of Payseur.
England obtains the right to collect 3 million dollars from the USA, which was initially lent to them by Louis.
USA bankruptcy, + 1791 ratification of the Constitution to create a stronger central government to lay and collect taxes.
So, how do you change a military defeat into a victory?