💥 He’s Cracking! Angry Newsom Melts Down in Recall Rage Rant, Slams Desk with His Fist
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The pot is starting to boil. Definitely not his usual smug self…must be seeing some bad internal poll #’s
Um yeah...don't care. Just go away you moron.
Wow he has the same demeanor as aunt pelosi
Hahaha. Or for some others in Cali...jajajaja
Putrid arrogance. He can't even see what kind of a shithole the state has become. Someone should make a video of the homeless areas in Cali., and footage of California riots, and set the video to his rant about all the "great" statistics he he talks about.
He was also one of 5 governors that forced covid positive patients into nursing homes to drive up the death rates. He doesn't need to be recalled, he needs to be in Gitmo facing a rope.
He knows he is in trouble when his security blanket, aunt Nancy pantsy is under attack and T-minus countdown has been initiated for her fall. Just like Chris Berman would say
Tic-tic, tic-tic, tic-tic
Seems like mid-level mob to me. Also very green about Texas and Florida. Not a good look.
He has thrown out a lot of "statistics". Is someone going to fact check him?
Newsom won't lose though, not even close. the election will be totally rigged.
Did you know they are doing studies that show that what we visualize or believe the most can change reality. So saying nothing is going to happen is helping them. Besides why are you here if you doubt so much.