Get a credit freeze on all reporting agencies (Experian, Trans Union, Equifax). This requires you to unfreeze your credit to perform anything credit related. This should protect your SSN number from being used to open fraudulent credit lines.
Yeah it was for Bob.
Related. Don't need to buy votes if the machine will make you win.
If it really is Dave, it's great he's back on youtube.
Plenty of others that need to be let back on youtube as well.
I mean his page says he's not on youtube, at the bottom.
Too hard to see if it is anyone related to the assassination attempt. Does this video show this person climbing down the water tower? No.
Looks like the horse lady with the flags.
It looks like you can capture bullets in flight with a cellphone. However the super slow mode option (iPhone) needs to be used and only records in a 1 second burst.
This video shows a subsonic bullet in flight can be recorded. Bullet is 200gr, black powder travelling 800ft/sec
Assuming recordings are with iPhones, catching this bullet at the rally in flight means the person needed to have super slow mode recording, which is odd to me, and knew when to press record to catch the bullet in flight for 1 second. Super slow mode recording triggers when object enters field of view. The rally footage is not in slow mo either.
Starting to think this X user is using doctored footage.
There are drill points around the multiple epicenters.
Check out our fellow fren Dutchsinse
"She wear underwear with dick-holes in em" - Silky Johnson