So because they won't know the difference, it doesn't matter that they were decieved? If someone lies to me, I need to know, so that I do not trust that person any longer. I refuse to not learn from mistakes.
You can justify this saying we are at war and all options should be on the table, but we are talking about our fellow human beings. We are supposed to be coming together, not deceiving. How do you think these people will view this nurse and people like us after they find out they were deceived. Do you think they will now have any chance to be convinced to come to our side? (yes j know they probably wouldn't since they were already getting the shot, but what if the nurse had given them jnfo or warnings ahead of giving the shot, rather than just deceiving them?)
So because they won't know the difference, it doesn't matter that they were decieved? If someone lies to me, I need to know, so that I do not trust that person any longer. I refuse to not learn from mistakes.
You can justify this saying we are at war and all options should be on the table, but we are talking about our fellow human beings. We are supposed to be coming together, not deceiving. How do you think these people will view this nurse and people like us after they find out they were deceived. Do you think they will now have any chance to be convinced to come to our side? (yes j know they probably wouldn't since they were already getting the shot, but what if the nurse had given them jnfo or warnings ahead of giving the shot, rather than just deceiving them?)