3 Year Delta. Relates to FCC Telecommunication Act. Coincidence along with today’s Emergency “TEST”? There ARE NO COINCIDENCES!!!
11-Aug-2018 1:23:43 PM EDT
138 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_Act_of_1996 https://www.fcc.gov/general/telecommunications-act-1996 [BC set the stage] [Plan] Could a new Telecommunications Act be on the way? Q
I will, thanks 👍🏽 Keep in mind I’ve heard some negativity surrounding Dan Brown the author of DaVinci Code(?). I have no sauce, but I recall hearing (something) out there besides the following; I DO KNOW, however, he now lives about a mile from where I grew up and the locals there say he’s not only a recluse (which is fine)...but when confronted in public (autograph etc) he’s a major prick and acts like he hates people. Who else hates people? Cabal luciferians. So yeah he writes entertaining books, but aren’t they kinda heretical? I’ve read a couple other accounts & another book about Jesus’ “bloodline”, but isn’t that heresy?