That shit looked super staged. How convenient someone was there to start filming random people BEFORE they fell over. I think the 5g angle, as well as the DEW angle on the wildfires, are DS planted straw men narratives to cause us to overlook the actual truths, that China released the virus and that antifa etc are lighting forests on fire to get emergency money, displace residents, and push climate change.
That shit looked super staged. How convenient someone was there to start filming random people BEFORE they fell over. I think the 5g angle, as well as the DEW angle on the wildfires, are DS planted straw men narratives to cause us to overlook the actual truths, that China released the virus and that antifa etc are lighting forests on fire to get emergency money, displace residents, and push climate change.
We are being sprayed with heavy metals prior to being blasted with 5g. Chinese virus is the cherry on top.
Oh yea I agree that the spraying is bad and 5g is too, but the 5g angle on covid seems like bullshit
Everything about covid is bullshit. Doesn't stop them from plastering their plans everywhere.
Yea but this type of bullshit is aimed at us, to mislead our digs and make us look silly