Last couple of years were years of disillusions and disappointments for me. These are only two of them
Tim Pool As an ex-soviet-currently-european I knew literally nothing about american politics until January 2019, when I started to watch Tim Pool videos. I learned a lot and I though Tim was reasonable not because of his views but because he seemed to be ready to consider different options, change mind when applicable and was not stuck up. But as time progressed I realized how wrong I was about him. Slowly I got irritated more and more about what seemed to be hypocrisy but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. I was appalled about his coverage of the elections (how can someone who proclaims to be for free speech not be all about audits?) but the last drop came when I saw his tweet mocking Q people. I myself knew about Q and I did read about elites, corporations and I did hope for us all that they would come down, but I wasn't into drops etc. But I really hate it when someone kicks people who lost a battle. After his tweet I found this forum and I saw people actually taking the loss very well, trying to maintain composure and look into the future, which made me respect this community. I got even more angry at Tim, I was bitterly disappointed by that point, and I haven't watched one video of his since then. I watched exactly 2 minutes of his new vid today before I realized I was right in my decision not to listen to him anymore. I don't care about political views, I want to hear a reasonable person with integrity and Tim is not the one.
Jordan Peterson I came across a video clip from one of Jordan Peterson's lectures around the time when he spoke against bill c16. Since that moment I watched all of his lectures, some multiple times (especially the Bible ones) and he was a huge inspiration for me especially because he spoke about how people "allowed" nazis to do what they did and he mentioned the book "Ordinary Men". Thanks to him I've re-read Solzhenitsyn and Dostoevsky. Thanks to him I became tougher and when the fake pandemic/dictatorship was unraveling I thought frequently about what he used to say about people who would rather be guards than dissidents. I am still grateful to him for that and I intend to watch his Bible lectures again in the future. But when he came back after his illness, in his conversation with Brett Weinstein he praised vaccination rate in Israel. I could not believe my ears. Was it Jordan Peterson? Obviously, he could have been oblivious of what was going on but why would he talk about things he has no knowledge of? I watched more videos, and he never spoke against vaccine coercion, against the lies of media, nothing! The last straw was his rant about how he cries every time he thinks about people who never had any support from their parents, while he always had and still has that support. Being one of these people I thought - thank you, I guess?? I found it quite appalling, at that point it looked like attention seeking. He became just another "influencer" corrupted by money and popularity. I do realize that his sickness has affected him, but his lack of stand on the critical issues of elections and plandemic while he does speak on these issues was a blow in the face. Adding the fact that he taught us how to live our life while being on drugs, and then took some more drugs and some more, I realized I cannot trust him anymore. I'm currently dealing with my chronic depression while being drugs free after years of anti-depressants and self medicating with weed, I know that only when a person is sober he can take responsibility for his words. I allowed him to become sort of a father figure to me that my father could never be and that was a mistake. His ideas were good, but I learned never to put anyone on a pedestal no matter how small.
Thank you for reading this rant, frens.
also take any proclamation of intent with a grain of salt. Words don't mean much, it's the actions that matter/