nonrussianbot 1 point ago +1 / -0

me as well as my husband are russians from Donetsk as well as our extended family and friends. Only 1 of our many aquantaces is for DNR. The rest are people who lost a lot in the war and many had to flee, because (surprise surprise) simple people don't want war. They don't care for resources that are again re-distributed between elites, who cares if their name is Soros or Pukin. I don't need to translate forums to know what's going on. Do you know what ватник means? What you are saying is straight up vatnik ura-propaganda. Angry american schooling russians on Donetsk, Ukraine, Crimea and Putin is a new level of clown world I never thought I'd live to see.

nonrussianbot 1 point ago +1 / -0

"crimeans wanted it"?? my god. How abot DNR? People there also "wanted it" (or maybe rather "asked for it")?

nonrussianbot 2 points ago +2 / -0

he also said instead they will "explain", "incentivise" and "respectfully convince" people to vax. Which can be just the same. From June there's vax mandate in Miscow region so I don't know how much of his talk will matter

nonrussianbot 1 point ago +2 / -1

it's so easy with you people, either it's Soros or it's the good guy. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Putin is a dictator, an ex-KGB who was staging terrorist attacks against his own populace, who robbed his people, and continues to do so. Censorship in Russia is enormous. You go to jail for re-posting an anti-Putin or anti-church meme. So if you like the guy then him annexing another country's territory is good? Simple russians and ukrainians who lived in that territory (Donetsk and the area) died in this war for one reason - so Putin can annex Crimea. "bolshevik not bolshevik" lol as if the only bad people are the bolsheviks. Bad people wouldn't lie to you, pretend, cheat and steal to get what their want, right? The all are the enemy. Everyone with power. A very rare people don't get corrupted by money and power.

nonrussianbot 1 point ago +1 / -0

liberal highly educated leftist are racist, elitist, envy ridden, angry, hypocritical little pieces of crap who are terrified that they could end up with the working class (and then someone finds out they were reduced to that sort of society) . No matter if they are western leftists or soviet. Just saying.

nonrussianbot 4 points ago +4 / -0

In Soviet Union we had "work therapy", forced work in closed facilities, usually intended for alcoholics. The idea was you work from morning to evening and eventually you only worry about getting food and enough sleep. I wonder whether modern communists will eventually implement this therapy for this sort of people who have too much free time on their hands.

nonrussianbot 10 points ago +10 / -0

I didn't come back to Parler after it came back. I'm glad I didn't. Gab all the way (also Telegram)

nonrussianbot 5 points ago +5 / -0

"You only watch things that fit your narrative!" proceeds with " what's that, video that supports your argument? I'm not watching Youtube HA-HA!" wish sackofwisdom offered his co-worker to download that video and send him if he;s so adamant about "not watching youtube"

nonrussianbot 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes, no problem with that. It's just a sad sign of times that we even have to think about possibility of co-workers ratting us out to the stasi

nonrussianbot 8 points ago +8 / -0

I understand what you are saying and why. But you know what it reminds me of? Of USSR. When we had a coup attempt in 1991 my mom told me not to talk about it with a single soul, in fact I was better not to go outside till we knew what was going on. This is where we are now. Freaking USSR

nonrussianbot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tell him Jim Breuer made a great impression of him on The Anthony Cumia Show


https://youtu.be/_6MVo8sItio?t=152 https://youtu.be/_6MVo8sItio?t=1766

what the hell. People dying on the streets! my god.

nonrussianbot 4 points ago +4 / -0

yes! my GP tried to stop me from doing tests that I eventually did without his letter (in my country it's almost impossible to do) which revealed early stage of cancer, I was enraged. We didn't do anything about it, we just immigrated and didn't know much about procedures. Now this asshole tells me "we as doctors decided that everyone should wear masks and vaccinate and it's your problem if you don't agree". I just hope we won't need to visit hospitals anytime soon. If it comes down to "vax or don't get therapy" I'd choose not to get the therapy.

nonrussianbot 2 points ago +2 / -0

thank you for the attention. When we immigrated I was amazed that it's common for locals to invite friends and family for a visit and serve only a cup of coffee and a cookie. We always had dinners with guests for birthdays and holidays and visitors often got a full dinner served. Which of course had it's own problems - like boasting about cutlery, dinnerware and deficit foods the hosting family was able to "procure" which was rather... how do I put it... disgusting but a natural sign of times.. Also for women who worked full time such extensive cooking or rather the process of "procuring" ingredients (which was often the women's job and took hours of standing in lines) was a very stressful process. In fact, years after immigrating my soviet relatives happily ditched the traditions of cooking for holidays/birthdays and now eat at restaurants. I myself liked eating out at some point, but I haven't done it in the last 10 years and I don't miss it one bit.

nonrussianbot 13 points ago +13 / -0

it's too scary to accept that we are often left to the mercy of incompetent and even malicious people.

nonrussianbot 4 points ago +5 / -1

are those the only bad things you can do to people?

nonrussianbot 1 point ago +1 / -0

great idea about the "most physically painful sequence of letters to pronounce" I can take any russian word that includes the letter щ (scht as in borscht but it doesn't get close to the real sound) for example https://youtu.be/qlqkVuB720c?t=166

nonrussianbot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess this idea is good if you just want to make a point and since they won't provide papers and still demand to see yours you can go away leaving them with a feeling of loosing money from a 5 people table

nonrussianbot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really don't get the need to go to a restaurant. Well, I'm a soviet from a poor family, so I guess this concept never entered my system. So much money and you never know what they put in your dish

nonrussianbot 34 points ago +34 / -0

As for scientific studies - I did years in university studying statistics and economics and I know how you can play with numbers to present whatever you want. I have doctors in the family and my sister is a PhD in biochemistry. I saw many times how researches are done. The best example is - my sister invited me to her lab and she told me in a way of a joke that it's common to repeat the test until they get the results they want. So first you think of a theory, then you prove it. And if you can't prove it, you try until you do. I'm immune to "trust the science" for life

nonrussianbot 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are people on both sides that do the same. You bring them sources, they disprove each by just looking at the link. In some cases it's justified, it others not, but usually it's a waste of time indeed. I don't think internet battles have any use. Someone comes with an argument, you present your argument, they call you dumb and disappear, then comes next one with the same argument and does the same and next one and next one - it never ends.

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