Just like cockroaches, for every shill you see, there's thousands more you don't. But your mod team sees 'em. Some of these diseased shills are DIRECTLY demon-possessed. They want YOU and our patriotic cause back under their evil control. CONDITION ORANGE! Thank you, patriots! WWG1WGA!!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

So if I understand what you're saying properly, if Q never existed then people would have already stood up and fought back, violently.
If I understand you properly, the main function of Q up until this point has been to pacify people who would otherwise not have been pacified.
The existence of Q has brought peace where people would have fought back if they didn't think the US military was going to intervene.
If that were true, one would think that the people who hate Q so much, who are vehemently against the idea of Q ... that they would actually promote it as being real (because it pacifies people who would have fought back long ago).
According to you, it's not Q who riled people up into wanting to fight. It's Q who pacified people who would have fought anyway.
That makes Q beneficial to you and everyone who can't stand Q.
Which is why I question whether you're even being genuine. If a flood of patriots were going to stand up (violently) against forced vaccinations, the presidency being stolen, etc. ... and Q ended up being a dam preventing that flood from becoming violent, why are you trying so hard to tear down the dam?
I have written and deleted two long posts trying to answer this question in a way that won't piss you off, and I'm not sure that I can. Suffice it to say that most people on my side are not convinced that this explosion you're warning about would have ever been possible if not for people like Trump, Lindell, Q, and others painting a picture of a threat for you that non-Q people do not believe actually exists.
From that perspective, whether or not you think Q is regulating the anger in your movement right now, that anger is based off narratives that people like Q and others have told you, and they are not narratives I am convinced have a strong basis in reality, and therefore that anger wouldn't necessarily exist this intensely without their false legitimization of it.
The threat of forced vaccinations, the revelation of Epstein island, the massive "F" shaped spikes on election night, the obvious pandering to China's interests.
All the above is visible to the naked eye, even if Trump, Mike Lindel and Q never existed.
Pizzagate kicked off at least a year and a half, maybe two years, before Q made his first post. Those who were concerned were manhandled by the media and social platforms in a Chinaesque depravation of free speech and it was long before Q, Trump or Mike Lindel.
And now your argument appears to be that people thought Q was real, Q radicalized us all into being more violent than we would have otherwise been ... but somehow we're all supposed to
but also, at the same time
That makes no sense whatsoever.
I think you and I may disagree on what is "visible to the naked eye" and what is pareidolia.
Epstein, in my opinion, doesn't really validate anything about Q, unless you think Q exclusively knew that rich people could be criminal pedophiles. I can tell you personally that is not true. The first person to really open my eyes to what rich criminals got away with was a little liberal professor from my college intro sociology course. We all know. It's not exactly shocking that rich people get away with being criminals.
You saw the concern about the fact that Trump was winning and then in the early hours of the morning, one-sided dumps on behalf of Biden were made that created an F-shape on charts measuring votes over time.
That was visible to your naked eye, and everyone else's naked eye. You may have chosen to dismiss it, but that doesn't mean you didn't see it and the concern it created.
You're apparently from reddit. You've seen China-style heavy handed bans that simply did not exist prior to Trump having a chance at winning in 2016.
You may have decided to dismiss it, excuse it or clap because the end result is just as you hoped it would be, but nonetheless it is visible to your naked eye.
You think Epstein got away with it?