CBD can probably help, but its worth noting that vaping is also beneficial. CBD is suspended in PEG (analog of antifreeze), which isnt great. Nicotine e juice is suspeneded in PG and VG. Propylene glycol is a disinfectant used in clinical settings. Aka. Vaping may prevent respiratory viruses as a potent sterilization of ones lungs.
Read elsewhere that nicotine neutralizes the antibodies that are made by the vaccine which lead to ADE.
So i guess vaping and smoking are healthy? Kinda...
CBD can probably help, but its worth noting that vaping is also beneficial. CBD is suspended in PEG (analog of antifreeze), which isnt great. Nicotine e juice is suspeneded in PG and VG. Propylene glycol is a disinfectant used in clinical settings. Aka. Vaping may prevent respiratory viruses as a potent sterilization of ones lungs.
Read elsewhere that nicotine neutralizes the antibodies that are made by the vaccine which lead to ADE.
So i guess vaping and smoking are healthy? Kinda...