Every time Lefties talk about seeing Trump's tax returns, I simply say I agree with them, and in return we should see Obama's real birth certificate as a fair, 1:1 trade. They go on complete meltdown like little children.
Uh, you don't get things for free. Even when the Japanese surrendered after WW2, there were negotiations and terms, because even a surrendering nation with what little power they had, could make some demands within reason, even if they were minimal. That's what happens when you demand someone do something for you, there will always ALWAYS be something given in return, that's how life works, that's how adults conduct "adulting". I say Trump's 10 year tax history is a fair, and reasonable trade, for Obama's actual, real, non photoshopped birth certificate. Of course, they're never getting Trump's tax returns because then that would justify getting anyone's tax returns including prominent politicians.
Every time Lefties talk about seeing Trump's tax returns, I simply say I agree with them, and in return we should see Obama's real birth certificate as a fair, 1:1 trade. They go on complete meltdown like little children. Uh, you don't get things for free. Even when the Japanese surrendered after WW2, there were negotiations and terms, because even a surrendering nation with what little power they had, could make some demands within reason, even if they were minimal. That's what happens when you demand someone do something for you, there will always ALWAYS be something given in return, that's how life works, that's how adults conduct "adulting". I say Trump's 10 year tax history is a fair, and reasonable trade, for Obama's actual, real, non photoshopped birth certificate. Of course, they're never getting Trump's tax returns because then that would justify getting anyone's tax returns including prominent politicians.