I don't know why I expected anything different, it's not like every country in the world does not have corrupted demons who are all involved in this, it's not like people in my country are not dealing with this same exact shit.... and have been dealing, all of my life... But this bit about Serbian developers working on Dominion technology... This really got to me... I've literally watched and grew up in country destroyed by the same demons that are currently plaguing the world, only to watch it being used as another cog in the mechanism to enslave us all... I never felt like a free man in my life, this kick in the gut should be no different, yet here I am, devastated... Sorry friends, I'm really down...
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Stay up! Redemption is near. If Trump and the US Military don't pull through soon, it means the end is near and Jesus will squash these assholes.
Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.