- 8:28 am ET
- Streaming Starts
- RSBN states that there are some announcements and breaking news that was originally scheduled for day 1 but was delayed due to the events which occurred.
- RSBN begins interviewing @Canncon
- 9:00am ET
- Symposium Day 3 Begins with Mike Lindell giving a 5-minute heads up, he wants everyone sitting, and all cameras turned on.
- RSBNs feed gets cut as Mike comes out but still streaming on frank speech.
- 🔥 Mike states at 10:30 pm last night that Tim peters’ house got raided and all electronics were removed, Mike was attacked. The red team was being threatened. These people have been identified, and the endgame appears to be to discredit everyone there. “Part of the color revolution.” We received a thread of a “poison pill” added into the data stream. This info is being handled by the US cybersecurity act. The info they have will be given over to authorities. We will see what they do with it.
- Prayer
- Pledge of allegiance
- Star-spangled banner
- Mike hurts a little, states they are never quitting till the truth is out.
- Allen will be calling at 11 am.
- calls out the media.
- 50 states are represented today.
- 9:30am ET
- Talks about all the nefarious stuff that's happened.
- Calls out media again
- Speaks about Smartmatic & dominion
- Israel was announced as being cyber attacked.
- Talks about an image of him holding papers with “Martial Law” on it.
- Talks about addiction.
- 10:00am ET
- Mike talks about how the family is important.
- We went from 2019 people saying Merry Christmas, to now, ¼ contemplating suicide.
- Wasn’t saved by Christ until 2017.
- Continues talking about his life and his coming to Christ.
- Pray within God’s will.
- “This is the most important day”
- Windy Rogers with Mark M. comes out.
- Video Runs Meme about routers. - It’s pretty entertaining.
- Election integrity is not a party issue.
- Speaks about when they started looking into auditing
- Goes into the timeline of why they began auditing
- 10:30am ET
- They don’t certify audits. They certify labs.
- Audit mode: Rogers begins to talk.
- She looked at the audit process near the end of May and was highly impressed.
- The audit process is the most secure, intense, and meticulous process she has ever seen, including all of the US Military branches.
- Watching yellow dot watermarks, were looked at.
- Whether or not the oval bubble was filled in by a human or not.
- Checked fibers of the paper.
- This effort should be used in all states, Cyber Ninjas, and Cyfir Data Security
- Don’t let anyone tell you that this is nothing less than the most professional audit.
- “We will get to the truth and you can do it in your states.”
- Major auditing companies were asked to do the audit but declined due to risk of losing government contracts.
- You can either have fast audits or accurate ones.
- We have internal documents showing that Sharpie-gate was a real thing. Ink bleed-through happened and went to electronic adjudication.
- 🔥 AZ Audit Preliminary results are in:
- Senate bill 1487: If a county or city creates an ordinance or does not comply with state law if the AG concludes that are in violation, they have 30 days to remedy if they don't then the Ag shall notify the state treasurer to withhold 10% of the state revenue from them and can be charged with a crime.
- To obstruct the audit is in violation of the 1st amendment and their own office.
- 11:00am ET
- Mike jumps in and says the gateway pundit lied within an article stating someone wailed on a theory that China attacked the election.
- Lary Johnson appears to be CIA.
- Runs video on “Ballot Integrity Project”
- Treating a ballot as currency with respect to fraud prevention.
- 12:00pm ET
- Mike shames the networks
- 12:30pm ET
- Talk about being attacked again and is being attacked now
- Shows Mock election.
- Networked like the election.
- people audited votes also they sniffed PCaps.
- 2 people in 10 minutes changed code and passwords with a wireless router.
- Neither was connected to the internet but the router was the vulnerability in itself.
- Video rolls on the mock election but RSBN feed freezes
- Walks through the voting process
- Shows how they are attacking the data and modifying it through SQL injection.
- Now Audits the “fair election” and shows that simple ballot counting is useless.
- Talks about the importance of change in the election process.
- Talks about vulnerabilities of the voting process and the machines.
- 1:00pm ET
- Taking some questions
- 1:30pm ET
- Questions continue over election security
- 2:00pm ET
- Woman states she has evidence from 2012 that 292 thousand reg voters but ordered over 360k ballots.
- FS2 model for citizens to ensure free and fair elections by reasserting ourselves at the county level.
- Video on FS2 plays (FOIA, File, Sue, Settle)
- 2:30pm ET
- SF2 Ends
- Speaks on forensic investigation, timeframe, and data.
- Masa County data is still very very early. More time is needed to tell what's going on.
- 3:00pm ET
- Joe/Mike presents.
- Speaking of gateway pundits, Larry Johnson is lying when he says Mike is giving up on the China hack narrative.
- Joe Oltmann begins speaking on Dominion.
- Speaks on how he got into covering Dominion.
- Resigned as CEO of his company.
- Telekom Serbia partners with Huawei.
- Domino's corporate office is in Serbia
- Dominion tries to hide all their Serbian tracks.
- The infrastructure is funded by the bank of China.
- By proxy, they are doing business with the bank of china through the web even though it's illegal.
- Huawei is a part of the restricted list ever since 2019.
- The storage system hardware for dominion is made by Huawei
- Dominion voting systems are coming directly from China.
- Bill of loading shows China to Texas for dominion voting systems.
- Smartmatic and Dominion use the same hardware, made by the same supplier.
- People are recycled between the voting system companies and public offices.
- Q&A
- Speaks about affidavits around the country.
- Speaks on deviations
- The power of the people just saying “No”
- 3:30pm ET
- I have to get on a plane so unfortunately, someone else will have to fill in for the rest of the time.
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This is also what happens between the FDA and pharmaceutical companies