for a long time now, the vaccine pushers have been claiming that in order for us to protect those who can't be vaccinated, everyone else must be vaccinated.
they tell us that "the immune compromised" are depending on everyone else to get vaccinated, so that they don't die young, of a vaccine preventable infection.
they tell us that the "immune compromised" have... well... a compromised immune system.
but what they don't tell us is that oftentimes, their immune system was "compromised" by vaccines!
and so now they want everyone else, that is, the heathy majority, to compromise their healthy immune systems with vaccines, in order to protect the minority of people who already had their immune system compromised by vaccines.
they tell us that the immune compromised can't be vaccinated,
or that that the immune compromised won't have a proper response to a vaccine, (or an infection),
and thats why everyone else needs to vaccinate.
so why now are they pushing for a THIRD vaccine for the immune compromised?
it sounds like the FDA wants to cull the flock of all the sickly sheep. IF the first two shots didn't do you in, then lets try a third. :-/