Those election machines were covered by Lindell and CM. It's a cover up by the Colorado Cabal.
Relaying you to the following thread and content from u/NoNameJames before the Mesa County "recall" hit the mainstream awareness:
Okay, so I'm looking through the files that CM uploaded last night, the Mesa County image files.
Looking at the log files and what do I see?
#Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 10.0 #Version: 1.0 #Date: 2020-11-03 00:06:34 <--- Time first request was made ---> #Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken 2020-11-03 00:06:34 fe80::ac65:3764:18fb:c80f%3 POST /EmsApplicationServer/RemoteFileManager.soap - 80 - fe80::78ea:bb9:eef6:2880%3 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+6.2.9200.0;+MS+.NET+Remoting;+MS+.NET+CLR+4.0.30319.42000+) - 200 0 0 93
2020-11-03 00:06:34 fe80::ac65:3764:18fb:c80f%3 POST /EmsApplicationServer/RemoteFileManager.soap - 80 - fe80::78ea:bb9:eef6:2880%3 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+6.2.9200.0;+MS+.NET+Remoting;+MS+.NET+CLR+4.0.30319.42000+) - 200 0 0 109
**Why is someone from AZ fe80::ac65:3764:18fb:c80f%3 ( making a POST call using a remotefilemanager to fe80::78ea:bb9:eef6:2880%3 ( at 6 minutes past midnight? This IP address does not have an ISP or geolocation, this likely means that it was a VPN. Back to the point, why is someone from Phoenix, AZ connecting to Mesa county, Colorado voting systems? **
#Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 10.0 #Version: 1.0 #Date: 2020-11-03 20:57:54 <--- Last time a request was made ---> #Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken 2020-11-03 20:57:54 fe80::ac65:3764:18fb:c80f%3 POST /EmsApplicationServer/RemoteFileManager.soap - 80 - fe80::78ea:bb9:eef6:2880%3 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+6.2.9200.0;+MS+.NET+Remoting;+MS+.NET+CLR+4.0.30319.42000+) - 200 0 0 62
2020-11-03 20:57:54 fe80::ac65:3764:18fb:c80f%3 POST /EmsApplicationServer/RemoteFileManager.soap - 80 - fe80::78ea:bb9:eef6:2880%3 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+6.2.9200.0;+MS+.NET+Remoting;+MS+.NET+CLR+4.0.30319.42000+) - 200 0 0 109
**Once again we see the same IP address coming from Phoenix, AZ, making a POST call to Mesa County servers. For a fucking system that isn't connected to the internet, someone was damn sure making calls to Mesa County from Phoenix AZ, which is also only 41 minutes from Maracopa County. **
#Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 10.0 #Version: 1.0 #Date: 2020-11-09 21:35:12 <--- Same call made on 11/9/2020 ---> #Fields: date time s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status time-taken 2020-11-09 21:35:12 fe80::ac65:3764:18fb:c80f%3 POST /EmsApplicationServer/RemoteFileManager.soap - 80 - fe80::78ea:bb9:eef6:2880%3 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+6.2.9200.0;+MS+.NET+Remoting;+MS+.NET+CLR+4.0.30319.42000+) - 200 0 0 703
2020-11-09 21:35:12 fe80::ac65:3764:18fb:c80f%3 POST /EmsApplicationServer/RemoteFileManager.soap - 80 - fe80::78ea:bb9:eef6:2880%3 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+6.2.9200.0;+MS+.NET+Remoting;+MS+.NET+CLR+4.0.30319.42000+) - 200 0 0 78
**SAME Phoenix AZ IP address calling out to Mesa County, Colorado.
I guarantee that IF we get copies of these files from GA / PA / WI / MI: That we will see this same IP address making POST calls to every single state. This steal started in AZ, which is why Fox immediately called it for Biden. **
Anyone who has these images can find these files in inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1
PEDES it's time to research, time to dig into this shit.
You need to make a whole post asking that and only that. I don’t want to steal your thunder... What does the first I in IIS stand for? On a machine that isn’t connected to what now?!
Thanks. I went ahead and took a few moments to create a post here