ELECTION FRAUD FRIDAY: Post symposium discussion thread! What did we learn? What should we be working on, now? What happens next? Where's my coffee?

First let me say mike and all of the company are great patriots . I am having trouble understanding though as they didn't show any proof of data packet captures or even show that china was flipping votes. I wanted them to be able to flip the election but now its nothing more than a double nothing burger. Really sucks
Regarding the PCAPs, the experts who attended and waited for the data packet captures to be revealed so they could try and claim the $5 million were SOL.
I get the disappointment with the packets but if you haven’t yet, watch everything else. The amount of other evidence they have should be more than in enough
awesome I watched alot but also missed some of it. I will rewatch.
Are you paying attention to what they did show you? The rest is for the courts to see, not the public.
Probably just over excited to see all the demonrats go to jail LLLoooollllll