I havent seen thus question: wouldn't the enemy know this occured? They use the media to spin everything. I cant come up with a good reason why i haven't seen things like TRUMP ABUSES DEVOLUTION TO STEAL ELECTION, or TRUMPISTS WITHIN CORRUPT MILITARY ILLEGALLY SEIZE POWER TO SUBVERT CONSTITUTION or something?! Why in the world would the elite agree with Trump to keep a lid on this until good beats evil?
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It was a pretty "let your big balls hang" move to OPEN the conference with a video explicitly calling out Soros, yes? That's the kind of thing megalomaniac psychopaths are wired to respond to (kind of like Trump's SUPER AGGRESSIVE debate persona 🤔)
I like the way you think.
I think this was all over before it started. I think they have had key people in their pocket for years.
Great point actually...if you're that powerful then you are a megalomaniac and have people who want what you have everywhere and some redneck pillow guy calling you out like a punk in front of the world would surely spark reaction - for ego and dominance factors in the least. I wish so hard I knew what those spy planes MonkeyWerx was talking about hovering over the event were capturing!
Possibly the info of those infiltrating to collect, tamper and (in Lindells case) those thugs sent to do personal harm. In my mind I'm picturing them creating the most beautiful of analytical link charts between all the actors involved.