I havent seen thus question: wouldn't the enemy know this occured? They use the media to spin everything. I cant come up with a good reason why i haven't seen things like TRUMP ABUSES DEVOLUTION TO STEAL ELECTION, or TRUMPISTS WITHIN CORRUPT MILITARY ILLEGALLY SEIZE POWER TO SUBVERT CONSTITUTION or something?! Why in the world would the elite agree with Trump to keep a lid on this until good beats evil?
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Very interesting!
Yes, I'm always uncertain on who the real factions are and where the boundaries lay. Especially since much of this is happening on a business front where individuals have the freedom to choose, not to mention that many seem to either unaware of anything beyond their few hot button issues or perhaps under the influence of some type of mind control or personality split, depending how conspiratorial you want to get.
The "illuminati" structure does seem more like a lace glove over an iron fist, so while they are able to move slowly and secretly, they don't seem to be able to exert fine grain controls the way you could in more conventional warfare.
This seems like a big advantage for us. I'm seeing chaos emerge across the board. There is so much information. People are getting red piled from everything - gas prices, election fraud, COVID, school boards. It's overwhelming their ability to fight.
It would be interesting if China was an independent actor. I assumed they were in a similar situation to us, with white hats vs globalist, only maybe reversed in terms of who is winning. But I also feel like they are a paper tiger if faced head on. Their economy is shit, their tech is old, they need chaos to operate so they can pick off stragglers.
Ok, rambling comment but interesting to think about!
See, and here's the part that takes time to find the rats feeling the ship: The likely majority of these garbage cans aren't even kabal! Just greedy people being paid to do things pro-kabal without knowing, or caring.
Agreed! It's fairly easy to get a feel for what's happening at a high level. But as you dig into the details it gets so tangled!
I have a ton of respect for the folks out there crunching numbers and knocking on doors. Putting names and faces to specific problems. Amazing work!
Like...a team of 10 prosecutors takes two years with a RICO to take down a 5 person drug ring (let's say) because they have to go through voice calls, text messages, bank records, social media posts, testimony, circumstantial, video evidence, emails, physical evidence and then link it to other people and entities and then repeat all of that but now those 5 people connected to 10 MORE people plus 5 banks so their work is 2.5 times more work then the 1st round, then THAT leads to 30 more people and on and on. Now, just imagine the above being done for not just 5 corrupt druggies but...thousands of people, hundreds of banks and even foreign countries (China etc.)! On top of that - making sure you a) have EVERY rat and b) have concrete evidence on every rat! Absolutely mind-boggling the effort and man hours.