SEVERAL former high level military intelligence positions are working their asses off to fight the 2020 election and more. If you need to, watch that opening video again. Listen to the Colonel when he names all the positions he’s working with. This shit is so blatantly obvious at this point I really can’t fathom how so many people don’t have the mental capacity to grasp the situation yet.
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Get the fuck outta here... all I heard for 2 fucking months was pcaps.
fuck that shit
Sometimes disinformation is necessary. Tell the bad guys you are going to release pcaps and see how they respond when you release disk images instead. Now gtfo.
Although I was looking forward to the PCAP evidence, I was scratching my head to understand how it was going to be made digestible. So, I think they took the logical route of having presenters and focus groups that made some intelligible sense. No matter how they could have presented the PCAP evidence, it would have been labelled as unverifiable to the mainstream. Most peeps didn't even know what a PCAP was before this whole affair, so there's that.