Another step towards advocating pedo's. If they can get away with raping animals, it will be a simple step to children. Plan or no plan, this is the final straw. I will not stand by and do nothing.
We cannot be the stewards of "the garden" if we ourselves insist on being untamed. The Image in which we were made is that of care-takers, stewards and developers. By bringing this to us, our dear OP is trying to warn us of our need of redemption. AMEN! AND, not every culture is of equal value; not every culture belongs in the garden.
Let the tares grow with the wheat? Not if the tares are actively poison and deadly to everything that might be nourished by the harvest. There are generations to consider.
Is this why they are giving zoo animals covid shots?
Another step towards advocating pedo's. If they can get away with raping animals, it will be a simple step to children. Plan or no plan, this is the final straw. I will not stand by and do nothing.
We cannot be the stewards of "the garden" if we ourselves insist on being untamed. The Image in which we were made is that of care-takers, stewards and developers. By bringing this to us, our dear OP is trying to warn us of our need of redemption. AMEN! AND, not every culture is of equal value; not every culture belongs in the garden.
Let the tares grow with the wheat? Not if the tares are actively poison and deadly to everything that might be nourished by the harvest. There are generations to consider.
Shocker 😏
Plenty of sheep to go around!