I told him we need someone with big name recognition and influence to get this done. I told him the American people would donate the money to fund this idea if there was a concerted effort to get this done. I told him the people are getting desperate and we need answers from our representatives and the medical community. I told him there is a multitude of topics that need to be covered including but not limited to: therapeutics, vaccines and the unconstitutionality of mandates, adverse reaction and deaths, class action lawsuits and ambiguous data we are getting from the CDC.
I know there are many videos of medical experts across the web discussing the vaccines but we need to pull all these people together in front of the camera for one event that the American people can watch and become informed. A consolidated message from every doctor speaking out today in one setting would be more impactful than individual doctors trying to warn the public on their own.
Several people posted videos saying this has been done already, these events were not big enough and were not advertised properly. We need a big event with proper advertising similar to the Cyber Symposium. If we push our reps I'm hoping this could turn in to a international event but we need to reach out and push these people. If you have other names of people who you think we could reach out to, list them below with the contact info. This needs to be a collaborative effort.
I looked for contact information for Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, her Twitter account was suspended and the hit pieces from the media against her is crazy. They are calling her a anti-vax conspiracy theorist and a purveyor of misinformation. These doctors have a better chance of spreading the truth if they are standing shoulder to shoulder.
If they all stand together there will be less chance they get singled out and attacked by the cabal. Its time for the Great Awakening.
Here is Rand Paul's email: There is a 1200 character limit.
I don't think Rand Paul is the right choice. He would be great as part of a panel discussing the limits of government and the rights of people to choose. But to head up something as serious as this requires a person who is not currently in office. I posted in another tread how I felt Mike Lindell should have never done his symposium like he did. Too amateurish. He should have been the Executive Producer but not the on camera person. Instead of 3 days of a hodge podge of poorly planned items, yelling back and forth with an audience we couldn't hear, etc. The lesson should be learned that this requires a team of talented people to plan, produce, direct and condense everything into a 3 hr streaming event that is full of nothing but truth. No comments about being an addict, no scattered thinking, no walking on an off the stage during presentations, etc.
My choice would be to get Jon Voight to host it. He has on camera bona fides. He is a serious guy who understands the issues. People will watch to see what his says. People turned off Lindell because they didn't want to watch the same guy who constantly is selling pillows in commercials. I love Lindell but he isn't the right guy for this job.
We need a serious group of people who are at the top of their game talking about Covid. People like Dr. Peter McCullough a very bright and published academic physician, Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology. We need similar people who know virology, the flaws in the VAERS data collection system. Dr. Pierre Kory who has extensive knowledge of Ivermectin and steroid use to control inflammation and block the viral replication.
We need a well planned, well thought presentation to the world. It should be a live stream event with top notch production value so it doesn't look and feel amateurish like the Lindel event. It needs to be broken into 3 - 1 hr. segments with a break between each and a conclusion. Each segment should address topics of serious interest. Here's a sample:
Segment 1. - Where did Covid come from? Who are the people involved in making decisions about it? What conflicts of interest exist? What are the real numbers of deaths due to the illness? Were they inflated? If so, why and for what purpose? What do we know for sure about Covid? What do we know for sure about the vaccines? Other therapeutics?
Segment 2 - The ramifications of masks, lockdowns and vaccines and impact on society? On our freedoms? Psychological impact on young children? Elderly and their families? What should we be doing differently and who should be in charge?
Segment 3 - Legal implications of Covid. Our rights as citizens to have a say. Mandates, governmental over-reach. Problems associated with big pharma, big tech, one size fits all thinking. What we can do to unify a divided population? MSM influence and bias.
Conclusions segment. What should people do, how do they get help? What expectations should we have? What changes need to happen and how can people get involved to make it happen?
Throughout the presentations, clear graphics need displayed that are easy to read and understand. Clear questions, clear answers. The professionals involved should know what will be asked and they should prepare and organize their comments to keep it concise so each minute is important. No fluff or waste of time. Remember the most important thing, we already know a lot about this stuff. The Covid symposium needs to be laser focused on disbelievers and people who think the CDC and big pharma hold all the answers. We cannot do what we just did with the election symposium. We want to convince those voters who got the vax that they were lied to and they didn't get what they thought they were getting. We need them to understand issues they never thought about and how everyone is impacted by a government out of control.