I admit, I read much more than I post. I will try to change that. I have health issues and I must read things multiple times. I don't remember things. My circumstances are irreversible. I do my best and I am redpilling people. I had a doc appointment today and all employees had masks on, signs everywhere saying you must wear a mask. I did not wear a mask and noone said a word. Then I had to go over to the hospital for some stuff and again signs saying you had to wear a mask, everyone wearing masks, nope not me and noone said a word about it. Normies need to wake up and quit complying. I had another doc appointment earlier this week and did the same thing. The nurses seem more in tune with what is going on than the docs. I flat out told the nurse today that I will not be someone's medical experiment. I did that once during my cancer fight by participating in a clinical trial, foolishly thinking I was helping save lives. I felt like a lab rat then and to know what I know now and come to the realization that a cure most likely exists pisses me off and pains me to the core. I pray for the day when these people rot in the depths of hell, especially for the crimes against children. Sorry, I needed to get that out and let my frens know I will try to do a better job.
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Why can't you remember stuff? Have you tried massive doses of fish oil?
I don't want to get into all my health issues, I can say my body has never been the same since chemo, radiation and over at least 20 reconstruction surgeries. Excessive I know but I had problem after problem. Infection, rejection. You name it. I wanted back what I had and that is my right. Not even sure why I am justifying it. I didn't ask for it, I was young. Lost all ability to have children and went into very early menopause. On top of that I have other serious health issues. I want to do more research on these med beds I have heard about and had a discussion with someone else about them yesterday. I have not tried fish oil, thanks for the suggestion, I will look into that. Big pharma docs want to prescribe and like many others I bought into it but not anymore. Hard to even trust a doctor now. I am weening myself off of some of the meds but it messes with my emotions and now is the time to be strong not cry. I have a fight to win for our children, our country and the many men and women who bravely defend our coutry and those that gave their life and limbs. I will worry about myself when this all ends. I pray and that helps me in ways I never knew possible. People here inspire me more than I can say. God Always Wins!!!!
Ty Pede for this
I lovin this Tendie πβπΌπ₯
Yeah, I had never looked into fish oil, even when it was being hyped up, until a few months ago, was skeptical but, it really did make life a lil less foggy for me. I do not take tons of it, just the recommended amount and not all the time. Thinking I need to invest into some "good stuff" since it is the typical store brand that I have what, I understand is not very pure often. Just to give it a try.
My naturopath just recommended this lady: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaDNRr5qFc7ICJxddlIcwGQ
Ps. Crying is a healthy release (especially before God).