Here are some types of things that I'd recommend - things that I wish I'd had when the crazy ice/snow storm hit Texas in February and got down to zero degrees - and nearly everyone had power outages and tainted water for almost a week. When there's no power, there's no safe water either.
Water purifier tablets (for drinking and bathing water). This is the tablet size for a garden size bathtub to take a bath, and this product is available in smaller tablet sizes for use in gallon or liter water bottles for drinking water:
Do elevation searches in your neighborhood to see where around you has the highest elevation - you'd have better luck connecting with someone via CB radio while being on higher ground, especially if there aren't any obstructions around
FOOD & DRINKS: Lots of plain bottled water - not the carbonated flavored kind 'cuz you can't bathe or wash your face/hair with that, as I discovered the hard way during the monster TX snowstorm- LOL!
Dehydrated/powdered foods that just need water to eat, such as oatmeal. Non-perishable foods like canned goods, boxed/bagged foods like pretzels, crackers and cereal, and snacks/treats (to cheer you up) that last forever like Twinkies or Ding Dongs (heehee).
Sources of PROTEIN such as peanut butter, protein shake drinks that don't require refrigeration, nuts, and dried meats like beef/turkey/bacon jerky or beef stick sausages. I'm worthless without protein in me, especially in hot environments.
Here are some types of things that I'd recommend - things that I wish I'd had when the crazy ice/snow storm hit Texas in February and got down to zero degrees - and nearly everyone had power outages and tainted water for almost a week. When there's no power, there's no safe water either.
Butane gas portable stove with a COVERED FLAME area and adjustable heat (super hard to find) - it operates on an 8-oz can of Butane that just costs a few bucks each:
Kettle (for boiling water on butane-generated stove)
Solar+USB powered collapsible lantern:
Collapsible water bucket:
Water purifier tablets (for drinking and bathing water). This is the tablet size for a garden size bathtub to take a bath, and this product is available in smaller tablet sizes for use in gallon or liter water bottles for drinking water:
Water filter straw - purifies the water as you drink:
Battery-powered fan (8-10" desktop and 4-5" handheld sizes)
Compass + thermometer combo device, such as:
4-panel solar power bank (the single-panel ones take several days to even charge up in the sun):
Faraday cases/bags for electronics - in case the enemy pulls off an EMP strike:
Ammo - of course :-)
CB radio (find one with multiple power sources including rechargeable battery, USB, and car-charger) - such as this one:
For the CB, also get extra batteries and a telescopic expandable 3-foot antenna attachment such as this one:
Do elevation searches in your neighborhood to see where around you has the highest elevation - you'd have better luck connecting with someone via CB radio while being on higher ground, especially if there aren't any obstructions around
NOAA radio - with solar+crank+rechargeable battery+single use battery power sources and get lots of extra batteries (I got a digital one and an analog one): Analog:
FOOD & DRINKS: Lots of plain bottled water - not the carbonated flavored kind 'cuz you can't bathe or wash your face/hair with that, as I discovered the hard way during the monster TX snowstorm- LOL!
Dehydrated/powdered foods that just need water to eat, such as oatmeal. Non-perishable foods like canned goods, boxed/bagged foods like pretzels, crackers and cereal, and snacks/treats (to cheer you up) that last forever like Twinkies or Ding Dongs (heehee).
Sources of PROTEIN such as peanut butter, protein shake drinks that don't require refrigeration, nuts, and dried meats like beef/turkey/bacon jerky or beef stick sausages. I'm worthless without protein in me, especially in hot environments.