I woke up in the middle of the night with a weird sense of clarity surrounding Q and The Plan. I don't know if it was triggered by a dream, but it produced a very calming and reassuring feeling.
Maybe you guys are already clear on this, but I guess I needed a reminder.
What I was shown was that all these white hat/patriot actions and activities are at least partly meant to draw out the enemy and make them use up their ammunition. Q said that disinformation was necessary and I suddenly saw that statement in a new light. I saw the Lindell Symposium not as a disappointment, but as a test of the DS's defenses and an audit of their resources. Maybe the Symposium, Durham, Declass, etc were all just bluffs and the knockout punch is going to be something else. Something spectacular.
When I looked back on all the dashed hopes that I've experienced over the years and saw them in that context, it made me see things differently. If we keep provoking the enemy and they keep reacting, eventually one of us will run out of strength. I don't think it'll be us. I kept seeing that meme of Trump as Rocky Balboa and it became crystal clear. He's provoking his opponent and taking the punches but he's not tiring. The DS had their supply chains cut off during Trump's first 4 years and now they can't resupply. They'll run out at some point and now I'm just waiting for a Lindell-type event where it goes unchallenged. I think that'll be the moment when Trump looks over the ropes of the ring and smiles at all of us. Showtime.
Rocky vs Clubber Lang. Paraphrasing here... "You're getting killed out there!!! Rocky says no, he's getting tired. (Camera pans and Lang sitting in his corner is huffing and puffing) while Rocky is barely out of breath. Then what happened? Lang was spent and Rocky kicked his ass. All from memory but you get what I mean. GOD WINS!!!
And then again when Apollo said "he's getting killed" again, a little later, Paulie responds "Ahh no, no. no...... he's gettin' MAD!". This is US. WE the People, ALL of us, libs included are being taken through the wringer....and we are waking up and getting MAD.
What was that Q said about the precipice?
WE THE PEOPLE have to WAKE UP. We have to get ANGRY. 1/2 of us are already there and some of us have been there for quite awhile. But the other half of us, unfortunately....... will take us to the BRINK of destruction (We're nearly there) before they wake up. It's sad, infuriating, but true.
"Hit me harder....!!!!!!" WAKE THESE DAMN PEOPLE UP!! We will NOT be destroyed. But we will be taken to the brink. WE THE PEOPLE. It is the only way. The people need to be woken up. The sleeping giant. There will be many who were our enemies, who will become our allies. It seems impossible, but just like the situation with Rocky.... it seemed hopeless, impossible.... but it's not.
There are a lot of things that seem impossible to come back from, but things can turn on a dime, and all of the evil that infiltrated into our lives, our schools, our way of life, CAN be undone and unraveled quickly. Just like how the darkness flees and is destroyed when you turn on the light in a dark room, so too, will the darkness of our current reality flee.....
Things are not as impossible as they seem. Things can turn on a dime. Have hope, frens. God DOES win. The light WILL defeat the darkness. We just have to be Rocky and HANG IN THERE. and KEEP FIGHTING.
We are not yet at the moment of destruction. Incredibly, things can, MUST, and definitely will get much, much worse first. Much worse is coming.
THEN comes the Reset.
Have no fear. PANIC (Patriots Are Now In Control) in DC. Trust the Plan. Enjoy the Show. NSCWIC.
"Bigger and better than ever before!"
—President DJ Trump
Absolutely!!! Edit: Thanks for the clip... Brought me to tears... Cause we ARE getting mad and waiting for the right moment. ☕☕☕