I went to my Ortho doc yesterday for follow-up on fractured arm and for first time was REQUIRED to wear a MASK! Even my doc was wearing a mask and he never did in previous 4 appts. Doc told me the hospital was only allowing him to do emergency surgeries!
I had to go to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to register and get plates and they are "by appointment only" as of August. They claimed it was due to "overwhelming demand", but the appointments were wide open!
Back to the Bull Shit... even in Florida!
It's truly stunning how the government has forced compliance, isn't it?
Thought Florida had no mandates?
We don’t. But I noticed as soon as they ramped up the “delta” BS, all of a sudden masks were everywhere. It’s like the sheep couldn’t wait to put them back on.
Ahh gotcha. I've been keeping an eye on FL as MA decides what is going to do. FL may be in my future.
Yep...you know the ones...they are driving around alone in their cars with their masks on...showing the world what idiots they are!
Yes, me too! I just moved here for that reason. Stupid ass hospitals! msm falsely reports multiple days of COVID cases as ONE day to claim FL is a hotbed and quietly recants. Their efforts to discredit DeSantis are not working!
Face diapers on, face diapers off, back on again... off again...
The government is literally behaving like a Dr. Pavlov. We are the dogs
This is why if I have to flee my blue state, I won't go to FL or TX. I will go to a more solid red state
circling back . . .
Why did you agree to wear a mask? Why are you putting up with that BS?
The security wouldn't let me go up the elevator to see my doctor. They gave me a mask...I sure don't carry one with me! I wore it under my nose!
Any business owner (in any state) has always had the right to make their own rules. You know this. <yawn>