Infrequent blood donor here. Universal donor O-.
Just been offered money to donate my blood. Very unusual and very strange. Normally just a reminder and a cookie. Received notice asking me to donate along with a raffle for $10,000 from local blood bank.
Been recently receiving more reminders about blood donation.
Your own logic fails you. Would you give a kidney to an innocent person? Your body is your own, that is not something to trade for social values. Yes, it is very nobel of OP to donate blood but even if he doesnt, it is stil perfectly fine. Your body is your temple. In other parts of the world it works slightly different. If a patient needs blood, then his/ her immediate family are required/adviced to donate the same ammount of blood regardless of type. This way, you can have a constant suply overall. I fully agree with this if yoi really want to help someone.