SHILL IDENTIFICATION MANUAL: Ever wondered what the difference between a newb genuinely asking questions and a POS shill here only to sow discord and lies? The difference can hard to spot, but u/MyPillowHurts puts on a master class for anyone on GreatAwakening wondering how to spot 'em at work!
🧠 These people are stupid!

An op by who, for what?
It's all part of the awakening.
Keep stifling discussion and free thinkers.
Divide and conquer, eh?
Muh "sTifliNg diScUsSiOn". Lmao
This community is FOCUSED on Q drop inspired research. Flat earth chit chat, while interesting, is not Q research FOCUSED. Here its a DISTRACTION.
Fortunately, those interested in flat earth discussions can do so in the conspiracy win community and many other places on the internet.
Common sense and courtesy. Vetting for entry versus open borders. :-)
Flat earth... FREE THINKERS
AHAHAHAHA, comedy fucking gold