The so called January 6th insurrection. According to Clown Joe was the "worst Attack on our Democracy since the Civil War"
People were arrested because of January v 6th. They are still in jail months later. The Democrats are trying to write new laws to protect against more "insurrection" The Dept of Homeland Insecurity is telling everyone that anyone who question the election is most likely a future terriorist.
They are doing all this stuff claiming the future of America hangs in the balance.
For you clowns that believe this nonsense please answer this one question.
Being that President Trump "started this insurrection" and he is still questioning the election I keep wondering why he has not been arrested.
According to the left President Trump was so disliked he lost this election to a buffoon.
Why has President Trump not been arrested yet?
There is only one answer I can come up with and it is a one word answer.
Everything else is a lie
PS Looking at Joe's statement that this was the worst attack on our Democracy since the Civil War
We don't live in a Democracy so maybe he is saying something else. Being that the Civil War was also against the "Democracy" of the Democrats at the time.
Cut it out. We are the plan. In this world we are a ones who are going to save ourselves. That is as you call it the "alleged" plan. Our eyes have been opened to what has been happening.
Nobody "larping" around the capital caused any problems.
The Dems plan failed. President Trump purposely delayed people during his speech that day to keep them away.
The Dems plan was to have their people attack the capital as President Trump was leading his "army" to the capital. That did not happen so now they look like fools trying to pretend that a few people stormed the capitol and then others entered to tour through open door directed by capital police is somehow a massive insurrection.
The Dems and rhino's wanted 1/2 million plus people there to push their insurrection nonsense.
They committed to their plan and President Trump and the military. countermoveed by making sure the majority of the people stayed away.
You can pretend all you want that the Dems narrative is in any way plausible. Anyone can see what they tried to do and how they are outplayed.
So you are one of these calling for "action" What exactly do you call action? There is plenty of action going on. Audits, people running for office. things like that. Are you calling for other types of action? If it is violent action you need to go elsewhere. If that is what you are calling for at best you are delusional. if not that you are a plant to cause problems. We do not need to be violent we just need to be determined to continue to seek the truth and expose the lies