This is a bit of a mind experiment but I am curious what others here think about this.
If Q wasn't a part of the equation, what fictional dystopia would we be heading toward? I'm talk books, movies, video games, etc. Brazil? 1984? Hunger Games? Gattaca? Omega Man?
Let me know what you think and why.
I think it darker than all of those.
Is there a fictional equivalent you can think of?
No. I think it's the worst parts of all of them.
We will make the Nazis look like amateurs.
Their problem was they didn't know how to identify the ones that had control. So they just tried to get rid of all of them.
We have it all.
Definetly not Brave New World. People like the lefties simply don't get laid, ever. Think, maybe, a mix of Nazi Germany, with a transhumanist coletivist cult driving people insane with propaganda and body mutilation and transformation for profit (Bioshock 2 and infinite, perhaps)
The NWO would have elements from all of those, under a one-world totalitarian socialist government. However, I think it would take plenty of elements from 1984. Sovereignty would be abolished, along with all rights such as free speech and private property. There would be a world court that determines cases in which rulings cannot be challenged. The population would be continually culled until only the apathetic remain.
In such an event, the Illumined government would have invaded the final frontier, the human mind, meaning everyone would become part of the collective down to their very soul. They would completely obey authority without any question. Therefore, there would be no threat (conflicts, differing philosophies, instability, etc.) to one-world government. It could go on forever.
I could go on and on, but more can be read about this from the teachings of the secret societies (Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall are some of many in the know that wrote about such things). One could even find it in laws and agendas publicly published by "authoritative bodies" like the UN (Agenda 21 and the UN Charter, which supersedes our own Constitution).
If I'm not mistaken agenda 21 was going to cut the United States is to districts like Hunger Games. So id say Hunger Games mixed with some 1984.
Red Dawn ?
We're living in Huxley's "A Brave New World" right now. None of the others matter, except that [they] might use certain aspects of those stories to further [their] agendas.
Logan's Run