At first glance it’s in pre-print and not peer reviewed. And the. There is this gem:
“ This material is based upon work supported by Facebook (unrestricted gift) and a cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U01IP001121). ”
Which makes it sus. My thesis is critical thinking fattens the curve!
It’s more of a shitpost than data driven. It’s intention is to shift the curve to the right.
The top curve is from an actual study though isn't it? That was the one I was talking about. I also appreciate the meme graph below it. :)
Yes but I never reviewed the study. Can’t find the source. So until then it’s mostly a shitpost. Lol.
Is this place not the BEST?!! Thanks my friend.
At first glance it’s in pre-print and not peer reviewed. And the. There is this gem: “ This material is based upon work supported by Facebook (unrestricted gift) and a cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U01IP001121). ”
Which makes it sus. My thesis is critical thinking fattens the curve!
There is way too much critical thinking in that approach to displaying data you found randomly on the internet. You must be an anti-vaxxer!
Ha! Busted me.