After they complete the separation of the vaxxed and the unvaxxed, stage 2 is let the "Dem" cities burn.
We may think we are ready for stage 3: targeted removal of our firearms via drones and AI bots. The second amendment could help us stand a chance in conventional combat but other than helping us stay solve during the shenanigans we will see during stage 2, not sure they will be much help to us by the time they implement stage 3.
Protests in large numbers are not enough.
We should all be lobbying power right now to object to the transfer of our Pentagon secrets and technology to Israel via Microsoft and Intel back doors. (Search Brendon O'Connell, Talpiot on bitchute to learn more).
It will take a concerted effort for Americans to win, if it is even possible at this point. We have to lobby power, both politically and militarily, harder and in greater numbers than Israel has lobbied for decades.
You will be hard pressed to find any American political representative who is not funded by and beholden to Israeli interests. We are competing, on behalf of our own interests, against people who are receiving a full time salary and making an actual career out of lobbying for the interests of Israel. The citizens of Israel may be good people and worthy of American protection, I don't know, and that is not the issue in question here.
The government of Israel including former Bibi, however, we know for sure are not people of Jewish faith but rather very evil individuals who have been hiding behind the protective cloak of Judaism to accomplish their sick agenda without interruption or even questioning from us.
After they complete the separation of the vaxxed and the unvaxxed, stage 2 is let the "Dem" cities burn.
We may think we are ready for stage 3: targeted removal of our firearms via drones and AI bots. The second amendment could help us stand a chance in conventional combat but other than helping us stay solve during the shenanigans we will see during stage 2, not sure they will be much help to us by the time they implement stage 3.
Protests in large numbers are not enough. We should all be lobbying power right now to object to the transfer of our Pentagon secrets and technology to Israel via Microsoft and Intel back doors. (Search Brendon O'Connell, Talpiot on bitchute to learn more).
It will take a concerted effort for Americans to win, if it is even possible at this point. We have to lobby power, both politically and militarily, harder and in greater numbers than Israel has lobbied for decades.
You will be hard pressed to find any American political representative who is not funded by and beholden to Israeli interests. We are competing, on behalf of our own interests, against people who are receiving a full time salary and making an actual career out of lobbying for the interests of Israel. The citizens of Israel may be good people and worthy of American protection, I don't know, and that is not the issue in question here.
The government of Israel including former Bibi, however, we know for sure are not people of Jewish faith but rather very evil individuals who have been hiding behind the protective cloak of Judaism to accomplish their sick agenda without interruption or even questioning from us.
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