You would expect a lot of cheering for the exposure of the pedophiles in Hollywood wouldn't you.
That is what I would expect from patriots and decent human beings.
Go get em Mel. They tried to ruin you when you told the Jew cop just how it was, and they tried again when you exposed them again with The Passion of the Christ.
Kick em in the balls now that the world is waking up enought to accept who these mother fuckers really are, and what they have been doing for decades.
You would expect a lot of cheering for the exposure of the pedophiles in Hollywood wouldn't you.
That is what I would expect from patriots and decent human beings.
Go get em Mel. They tried to ruin you when you told the Jew cop just how it was, and they tried again when you exposed them again with The Passion of the Christ.
Kick em in the balls now that the world is waking up enought to accept who these mother fuckers really are, and what they have been doing for decades.