We have just entered a lock down. Constant 24/7 msm and social media fear mongering propaganda. I walk my dogs out regularly. All of a sudden half the people I see out are wearing the disgusting face diapers. Fortunately, some are not gripped by this fear, we smile, these people are happy and DGAF, and I appreciate the wordless contact. Something genuine about just nodding each other’s head in greeting, it’s made me appreciate the little things like these. I am noticing a pattern. All these mask wearers are afraid. They don’t smile. They won’t look at you in the eye. Some of these brainwashed people will try and give me a stern look. You know what I do. I stare them down with a curious and sometimes disgust look in my face. And almost always they will look away. Anyway, today, I saw a family out. Husband and wife, and their two children. Everyone wearing a mask. The amazing thing is, I caught the husband see me, and as soon as he glimpses how I am not victim to the fear porn, and I’m very happy out with my girls and enjoying the sunshine, he fucking removes his mask.
Guys. Don’t despair. Be a leading example. These guys are victims and we need to show them the way.
What I notice is the double life that maskers live. In their home setting, they'll interact with friends, neighbours and others without masks but if they have to go to the store they'll put one on. It's all a show. Going through the motions for the sake of appearing righteous when, in reality, they really don't fear anything. Few people wear or handle masks properly or with the understanding that, once used, it is a biohazard. It's just a new habit that people undertake casually and without any thought.
How do we snap people out of this? They, as a majority, are symbolizing mass compliance and inviting further oppression upon us all.
The mask issue does matter for health but also as you mentioned for symbolic reasons. I think we need to get even further ahead of them though to try to prevent what is coming next.
They are currently working on the stage where they separate us by vaxxed/unvaxxed. The disgust people mention here will continue to drive migration away from "blue" states and into "red" ones for the next few years. Simultaneously, they will let the "blue" states burn.
Next, they use drones and AI technology to collect American firearms from a population who has helpfully consolidated themselves together into smaller geographical regions.
The shenanigans of the current and next phase are things we may not be able to interrupt but many of us will be able to at least defend ourselves against.
The drone phase though, is one that truly motivates me to action. We need to lobby power to stop the transfer of our technology to the govt of Israel via Microsoft and Intel whose CEO stated they consider themselves as much an Israeli company as an American company. The people of Israel may be a friend of the people of America but the godless govt of Israel who have been hiding behind a false cloak of Judaism to accomplish their sick Agenda without question or interruption is decidedly NOT.
703-697-5131 Osd.pentagon.paombx.ce-public-inquiries@mail.mil
If they send drones for my Constitutionally protected armaments, they will only see garbage bags of robot parts return to them.
If they send men, their morgues will fill with the dead.
Governments have moved towards godlessness for a long time, and the fact of mass vaccination in Israel just serves to confirm the suspicions here. Saudi Arabia is another 'state' that receives a good chunk of change from us, and yet their leadership is as statist.
It’s all virtue signaling, people know these masks are useless.