Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) will kill the organism with an overactive immune response. Follow the Zelenko Protocol as prophylaxis and immediate treatment if sick. Treat the vaccinated patient if he were a 95-year old. This might be a solution for the ADE coming in the Fall/Winter, but this graphene oxide revelation makes future prospects appear grim. Do what you can to help anyone you care about, but also prepare/harden yourself for what may come to pass. Zelenko Protocol: Information source: skip to about 14:00 for ADE solution.
Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) will kill the organism with an overactive immune response. Follow the Zelenko Protocol as prophylaxis and immediate treatment if sick. Treat the vaccinated patient if he were a 95-year old. This might be a solution for the ADE coming in the Fall/Winter, but this graphene oxide revelation makes future prospects appear grim. Do what you can to help anyone you care about, but also prepare/harden yourself for what may come to pass. Zelenko Protocol: Information source: skip to about 14:00 for ADE solution.