The requirements to get into medical school, the medical school curriculum, the text books, the sleep deprivation/hazing, and the testing to get licensed are all designed and controlled by Big Pharma. Doctors are trained to ask, "What's the symptom?" and answer with, "Here's the drug or surgery that will stop that symptom."
Doctors who look at the body as a whole, try to get to the bottom of a problem, and offer nutritional, exercise, meditation, or natural medicine solutions before recommending drugs or surgical interventions are labeled quacks.
The requirements to get into medical school, the medical school curriculum, the text books, the sleep deprivation/hazing, and the testing to get licensed are all designed and controlled by Big Pharma. Doctors are trained to ask, "What's the symptom?" and answer with, "Here's the drug or surgery that will stop that symptom."
Doctors who look at the body as a whole, try to get to the bottom of a problem, and offer nutritional, exercise, meditation, or natural medicine solutions before recommending drugs or surgical interventions are labeled quacks.
Our whole medical establishment is fucked. I was married to a doctor for over 20 years - its a pill pushing machine