*OCCUPIED TERRITORY* Remember 11.11? Q flagged chapter 11 of the Law of War so many times, but me and so many others couldn't see the reference. Thanks to MAJIC EYES QNLY's calm, straightforward decode channel, it's all become so clear. DIG IN, patriots! (See post's CONTEXT for link to Rumble!)
🔍 Notable

I have an opinion that the first anon on the boards that made the Law of War manual connection was tipped off by the WHs. As Majic says, no one picked up on it for years and it was the biggest intel drop in history.
Very happy it's out now and Majic has dug into it so well. Ties with Devolution as well.
This is also what I'm coming to believe. We are being guided more than we know.
5 years from now Scavino will be in an interview "We were wondering how the hell they got dates from that format, we were all like ... pulling our hair out yelling at our computer screens." kek
It was the 11.3 that threw everyone.
I think it was intentional.
Yes devolution, law of war, Q and President Trumps own voice mesh perfectly.
Any nagging doubts I had are long gone.