*OCCUPIED TERRITORY* Remember 11.11? Q flagged chapter 11 of the Law of War so many times, but me and so many others couldn't see the reference. Thanks to MAJIC EYES QNLY's calm, straightforward decode channel, it's all become so clear. DIG IN, patriots! (See post's CONTEXT for link to Rumble!)
🔍 Notable

An anon found, several days before 1/20 of this year, that many of Q's posts, and the key markers therein such as 11.3, 11.4 and 11.11, are not dates but references to sections of the DoD Law of War Manual. Chapter 11 specifically deals with military occupation.
One of the biggest legit criticisms of Q that I have heard over the years is that his core prediction, that the military would be used to drain the swamp, is impossible. This is because there are laws which prohibit the military from deploying on US soil under normal circumstances. However, if they are acting to remove a belligerent regime installed by a foreign power such as China, an occupying force, and trying those who aided and abetted them under military law, then it is a very different story.
Q said "proof to begin 11.3". Section 11.3 in the LoW Manual deals with "End of Occupation", and section 11.11 deals with criminal law in occupied territory.
MajicEyesQnly goes into much more depth on this subject. His decodes in this subject are remarkable.