*OCCUPIED TERRITORY* Remember 11.11? Q flagged chapter 11 of the Law of War so many times, but me and so many others couldn't see the reference. Thanks to MAJIC EYES QNLY's calm, straightforward decode channel, it's all become so clear. DIG IN, patriots! (See post's CONTEXT for link to Rumble!)
🔍 Notable

Yea Q is a subset of MJ 12.
I would have thought it was the other way around. Enlighten me? And how do I assess/corroborate? What's their credibility? Would like to understand, as I expect that as I catch up on this that I'd want to post more. Thanks pede.
It's in the Majic Eyes Qnly mj12 videos. Assuming it's all or mostly true, of course. Q needs to be completed ibefore 2024 and the next steps. We need to be free before anything else can happen.