Sometimes vax damage isn't apparent until much later. Found out my daughter's endocrine system was destroyed by probably the HepB shot in her late teens. Our NP asked me if I vax, and I said this one got hit with the schedule. She's like oh, there ya go.
She's been doing an aggressive nutrient and glandular protocol in addition to thyroxine. She was a tiny toddler and I asked the ped if she thought she had a metabolic disorder. Blew me off of course. But I was right!
the more I learn about doctors the less they impress me. They literally punch symptoms into a computer and see what it tells them. They look for guidance from cdc and fully trust the cdc.
Sorry to hear about your daughter, will say a prayer for her recovery.
Dr. Google and I have fixed a lot of problems! Medicine used to be an art. My gg grandfather was a horse and buggy doctor and it is said he could tell what was wrong by just looking at you.
Thank you for your prayers. She is doing so much better. The thing is, her symptoms would never been picked up by an MD. She would have been diagnosed depressed and given brain candy. I ordered her labs via DHA Labs and started to put the puzzle pieces together. Found low zinc, single digit VitD, double digit TSH, histamine over 100, and with an iridology scan, massive adrenal fatigue. Pray for all those kids who are vax damaged, but just labeled lazy, oppositional defiant, depressed, anxious, etc.
Thank GOD you have a good holistic provider who can help undo the damage that has been done! I know so many friends with stories like these. Just don't feel guilty that you are the one who gave her the vaxxx that pains her. You were just a sheep then. Now you see clearly. Ask God's forgiveness for your error and for him to reverse the harm totally.
I actually asked the nurse when she was a baby if these vaccines contained thimerisol, and she told be they had none. So I believed that, but I was on the lookout. I had friends who shared with me that vaccine damage was more widespread than I had known, and had more toxic ingredients than just thimerisol. I don't feel guilty because this was a long time ago and I was acting on the information I had, so I'm not asking forgiveness. These creeps that set up the vax schedule need to be repenting, but I bet they're in a state of perfect possession.
I go to this clinic because they can sign off on exemptions my kids might need and not kick us out for being unvaxed. Fixing my kid has actually been a joint effort that includes a telehealth integrative pediatrician, my NP, and our chiropractor. I wish I could afford a holistic MD, but it is unbelievably expensive. Regardless, she is very much improved since this time last year!
Sometimes vax damage isn't apparent until much later. Found out my daughter's endocrine system was destroyed by probably the HepB shot in her late teens. Our NP asked me if I vax, and I said this one got hit with the schedule. She's like oh, there ya go.
She's been doing an aggressive nutrient and glandular protocol in addition to thyroxine. She was a tiny toddler and I asked the ped if she thought she had a metabolic disorder. Blew me off of course. But I was right!
the more I learn about doctors the less they impress me. They literally punch symptoms into a computer and see what it tells them. They look for guidance from cdc and fully trust the cdc.
Sorry to hear about your daughter, will say a prayer for her recovery.
Dr. Google and I have fixed a lot of problems! Medicine used to be an art. My gg grandfather was a horse and buggy doctor and it is said he could tell what was wrong by just looking at you.
Thank you for your prayers. She is doing so much better. The thing is, her symptoms would never been picked up by an MD. She would have been diagnosed depressed and given brain candy. I ordered her labs via DHA Labs and started to put the puzzle pieces together. Found low zinc, single digit VitD, double digit TSH, histamine over 100, and with an iridology scan, massive adrenal fatigue. Pray for all those kids who are vax damaged, but just labeled lazy, oppositional defiant, depressed, anxious, etc.
Thank GOD you have a good holistic provider who can help undo the damage that has been done! I know so many friends with stories like these. Just don't feel guilty that you are the one who gave her the vaxxx that pains her. You were just a sheep then. Now you see clearly. Ask God's forgiveness for your error and for him to reverse the harm totally.
I actually asked the nurse when she was a baby if these vaccines contained thimerisol, and she told be they had none. So I believed that, but I was on the lookout. I had friends who shared with me that vaccine damage was more widespread than I had known, and had more toxic ingredients than just thimerisol. I don't feel guilty because this was a long time ago and I was acting on the information I had, so I'm not asking forgiveness. These creeps that set up the vax schedule need to be repenting, but I bet they're in a state of perfect possession.
I go to this clinic because they can sign off on exemptions my kids might need and not kick us out for being unvaxed. Fixing my kid has actually been a joint effort that includes a telehealth integrative pediatrician, my NP, and our chiropractor. I wish I could afford a holistic MD, but it is unbelievably expensive. Regardless, she is very much improved since this time last year!