For those that are angry over the situation, don't bother. The people who actually voted for Creepy Joe were given all bad information. They have fault and they will realize it. The more you try to punish them will deter others from admitting. When the death toll comes, the evil Pedro's are revealed and the genocidal monsters that they unwittingly supported are outed, they will know horror and shame. Support them, they will be our brothers and sisters when we hunt these bastards down. They will scream for their blood and viciously destroy them because they made them complicit. These aren't bad people, just misled. They have been indoctrinated and brainwashed since they were infants. The ones that won't admit it and won't accept it are the lost 4-6%. There is nothing we can do for them. That ones that do will be loyal and will stand firm in never letting this happen again. It is the rare fool that is fooled twice by the same ruse. We'll just put those ones on a short bus with helmets.
For those that are angry over the situation, don't bother. The people who actually voted for Creepy Joe were given all bad information. They have fault and they will realize it. The more you try to punish them will deter others from admitting. When the death toll comes, the evil Pedro's are revealed and the genocidal monsters that they unwittingly supported are outed, they will know horror and shame. Support them, they will be our brothers and sisters when we hunt these bastards down. They will scream for their blood and viciously destroy them because they made them complicit. These aren't bad people, just misled. They have been indoctrinated and brainwashed since they were infants. The ones that won't admit it and won't accept it are the lost 4-6%. There is nothing we can do for them. That ones that do will be loyal and will stand firm in never letting this happen again. It is the rare fool that is fooled twice by the same ruse. We'll just put those ones on a short bus with helmets.